Where Do You Hide When You Get Home From Work?

So, the dilemma, my lovely wife runs out of energy around 5 PM with the three kids.  I don't get home until 6pm.  The boys start to call me because they want out, and I want to go home because I want TV and sports. While, my energetic 2 year old just wants to run from one side of the house all the way to her pink couch and then back and forth. So... Where do I hide and when? How does 9 pm sound? Yep, that is the daily routine of a dad with 3 kids. You really don't hide, you just turn off all of those wishes...that picture of you in a nice couch after work having a nice beer or glass of wine and you push it until about 930pm. It does take 30 minutes to say goodnight every night!!! From reading and making up stories to brushing teeth to managing the ups and downs of a 8 year old who believes that they are going to take his teacher away and does not want to be in enrichment class because he wants to take it easy.  He is only 8... OMG!!!  He will ace every college course if they evaluate kids on effort.  Back to story, so it is now 10 pm, and I am finishing up helping out the wife because God knows I don't want a NO, when I decide to play golf on Saturday or Sunday.  So, a man must stand up and do as many chores as possible so there is never a "NO."  As I lay down on my couch for my 1 - 1.5 hours of enjoyment, my wife wants to cuddle. All I want is to finish my taped game. Yes, its a game from the weekend and honestly it is Tuesday, I already know the score but I feel I missed the big plays.  Then I fall asleep yet again, therefore its Wednesday and I have yet to finish my taped game and all of my other taped events. 

So, in the end don't hide anywhere because they will find you, just play with your kids and get them tired, eventually they will grow up and you will have your 60s and 70s to enjoy your time alone. Maybe not if your wife wants to cuddle. 

